Later, assistant Orel E.S. in 2012 he successfully defended his thesis. Graduate students of the department were Kovalenko T.A. and Lotnik A.A.

In the period from 2000-2012, the composition of the training and support staff was expanded to 5 staff units: A.P. Pivovar - Head of the physical practical work, Nikolaevskaya Ya.Yu. - Head of the training laboratory, as well as Shapovalov Yu.A. - Engineer of the department, Dobrobaba I.N. - Senior Laboratory Assistant and Anthosyuk V.N. - Laboratory assistant.

One of the priority tasks of the department is its fastest attraction to modern computer technologies and information systems, the introduction of which should facilitate the preparation of students in physics, both within the traditional form and other forms of education, including distance learning.

Significant efforts of the staff of the department are aimed at the development and updating of educational and methodological literature and improvement of the educational process in connection with the transition to the principles of education in the framework of the Bologna system. By 2005 the methodical support of the department was completely renewed. Various methodological instructions for performing traditional and virtual computer lab work and independent work of students were issued. Also, lecture notes were given on various sections of physics, radio electronics, physics manuals for correspondence students, methodological instructions for performing practical exercises in all areas of physics, working curricula, and so on.

The modular-rating system for assessing students' knowledge has been introduced and successfully functioning at the department, the transition to a credit-module education system has been implemented.

For 24 years, (from 1991-2003 and 2007-2017), according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Kharkov National University of Municipal Economy named after A.N. Beketov was appointed as a basic higher educational institution for the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Physics. The Department of Physics of O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv successfully carried out all tasks related to these orders. Based on the results of the All-Ukrainian Physical Olympiad, five faculty lectures were given at the All-Ukrainian and international conferences on the methods of teaching physics. For many years the teachers of the department: senior lecturers Aksenova K.Yu. and Assoc. Prof. Oksyuk Yu. D., Sidorenko E.B., Bezugli A. V., Nazarenko E.I. - worked as members of the jury of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Physics. And since 2012, after the retirement of Assoc. Prof. Oksyuka Yu.D. and Sidorenko E.B. to this work was connected Assoc. Prof. Orel E.S.

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