The Department of Physics was organized at the Institute in 1934. The first head of it was Sadovnichy Fedor Kondratievich.

From 1940 to 1949. the department was headed by prof. Garber Ruvim Iosifovich, and the teachers of the department were Sadovnichy F.K. and Matusovsky K.L.

During the period from 1949 to 1960, the chair was headed by an Assoc. Prof. Ustimenko L.V; since 1955. at the department worked Assoc. Prof. Rapp N.V. and the asist. Vasilenko L.B, and since 1960 - assistant Mitera N.P.

From 1960 to 1975 the chair was headed by an Assoc. Prof. Rapp N.V. In these years the staff of the department was enriched by such teachers: assistants Trofimova K.K. (1963), Novikova N.I. (1967), Mikhailov A.F. (1967), Dudinova A.K. (1967), Markelova T.A. (1967), Assoc. Prof. Pilipenko D.V. (1967), and since 1968 Assoc. Prof. Reznik G.M., as well as assistants Adolp N.P., Demyanenko L.I., Romasko V.S. have joined them. and Krupka M.Ya.

Later on the chair came Ph.D, Oxyuk Yu.D. (1971) and assistant Aksenova E.Yu. (1971), and then the  Ph.D. Sysoev A.S. (1974), Terzhov I.I. (1974), Petchenko A.M. (1976), Sidorenko E.B. (1976).

Later the chair was headed by Assoc. Prof. Pilipenko D.V. (1976-1977), Assoc. Prof. Pospelov L.A. (1978-1979), Dr.Sci. Mitin R.V. (1980-1982), Assoc. Prof. Terzhov I.I. (1983-1988), Prof. Blank A.Ya. (1988-1990), Prof. Vinogradov S.S. (1990-2000). Over the years, there appeared on the department of the Ph.D., Zheltonog K.S. (1978), Ph.D. Schetkina T.Yu. (1983) and Prof. Rabukhin V.B. (1988).

Analyzing the development stages of the department, it can be noted that by 1975, In the main, the educational process and the style of work of the department have already been worked out, and a definite educational laboratory base with its methodological support has been created. A significant contribution to the development of the department at the initial stage was made by the heads of the department prof. Garber R.I., Associate Professors Ustimenko L.V. and, of course, Assoc. Prof. Rapp N.V.

Since 1975 The Department of Physics began to develop rapidly in all directions. In the period 1980-1990 years at the department there were already 4 doctors and 9 Ph.D., 2 senior teachers and 8 units of training and support staff. All the brightest achievements of the department in educational, methodical, scientific research work are connected with this period of her life. At that time, textbooks, various methodical instructions were printed, intensive scientific research was conducted, postgraduate students were trained, candidate dissertations were defended, reports were made at scientific conferences, symposia, school seminars, scientific articles were published in prestigious domestic and foreign scientific physics journals.

In these years (since 1978) at the Department of Physics for the first time appeared a powerful research laboratory "Acoustic spectroscopy", created personally by Assoc. Prof. Petchenko A.M., whose contribution to the scientific achievements of the department is decisive. Soon with the participation of Assoc. Prof. Shchetkina T.Yu. was established in the Academy of the laboratory "Physical and chemical and structural studies of building materials and structures." In addition, the department also had separate scientific groups in which the Assoc. Prof. Mikhailov A.F., Terzhov I.I., Sysoev A.S., and later Prof. Rabukhin V.B. In addition to scientific work at the department, the inventive activity was also very noticeable, with Assoc. Prof. Mikhailov A.F., Shchetkina T.Yu. and Prof. Rabukhin V.B.

To my great regret, the progressive movement of the department towards the end of the 90 years began to slow down, and in the period from 1990 to 2000 it almost completely stopped. This happened at a time when the department was headed by Prof. Vinogradov S.S. He in the first 5 years of his management completely cared about his small enterprise, and in the next 5 years he was generally abroad, where he subsequently received permanent residence. It was in these years (1990-2000) at the department that significant personnel cuts took place, the material base of the department began to decline, its scientific and cadre potential significantly decreased.

Sharply at the University has changed in those days the attitude to the most educational discipline "Physics", the number of lecture hours in physics has significantly decreased. Henceforth, the basic philosophical discipline "Physics", which is designed to form a logical, model, analytical thinking, is not present either at the final examinations or at the educational institutions when passing the entrance examinations. In a small volume, she is taught at the university, even at the energy faculties.

In this condition in September in 2000 the Department of Physics was headed by a Dr. Sci., Professor A.M. Petchenko. Only 2 professors remained at the department at that time (Petchenko A.M., Rabukhin V.B.), 4 Assoc. Prof. (Sysoev A.S., Oksyuk Yu.D., Sidorenko E.B., Shchetkina T.Yu.) , 2 senior lecturers (Demyanenko L.I., Aksyonova E.Yu.), as well as three employees of training and support staff: the head of the laboratory V.A. Khvorost, senior laboratory assistant N.I. Novikova, laboratory assistant Yeskov D.N.

In the situation that has developed at the department, its head takes decisive measures to revive her former glory. The main efforts of the department were aimed at constant updating and deep modernization of the material and technical base, strengthening of the cadre's staff potential, as well as the development of educational and methodological literature and improvement of the educational process.

Using original engineering solutions and using the latest experimental technologies, the original equipment (about 30 units) in the laboratories "Mechanika", "Molecular physics", "Mechanics-1" was soon developed and put into operation. For the first time systematic restoration work was begun on a systematic basis in other laboratories of physical practice, in particular in the laboratories "Electricity and Magnetism" and "Optics."

Primordial becomes work with the staff, which is aimed at its rejuvenation and enhancement of professional skills. It should be noted that earlier (before 1970) the teachers of the department were mainly graduates of the Kharkov Pedagogical Institute, (school teachers), then in the following years, the department began to come physicists, graduates of V.N. Karazin KhNU, whose professional level allows solving the most complex modern scientific and methodical problems, in particular, to develop and introduce computer technologies into the educational process.

So, in 2001 a young assistant Nazarenko EI came to work at the department, who defended his thesis in 2003, and in 2007 received an associate diploma. In addition, the chair was joined by the Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Yatsenko N.M. (2002) and assistant Orel E.S. (in 2003). After them came to work at the department Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Bezugli A.V. (in 2004) and the assistant Lyubchenko M.V. (in 2006), who defended her thesis in 2008.

Later, assistant Orel E.S. in 2012 he successfully defended his thesis. Graduate students of the department were Kovalenko T.A. and Lotnik A.A.

In the period from 2000-2012, the composition of the training and support staff was expanded to 5 staff units: A.P. Pivovar - Head of the physical practical work, Nikolaevskaya Ya.Yu. - Head of the training laboratory, as well as Shapovalov Yu.A. - Engineer of the department, Dobrobaba I.N. - Senior Laboratory Assistant and Anthosyuk V.N. - Laboratory assistant.

One of the priority tasks of the department is its fastest attraction to modern computer technologies and information systems, the introduction of which should facilitate the preparation of students in physics, both within the traditional form and other forms of education, including distance learning.

Significant efforts of the staff of the department are aimed at the development and updating of educational and methodological literature and improvement of the educational process in connection with the transition to the principles of education in the framework of the Bologna system. By 2005 the methodical support of the department was completely renewed. Various methodological instructions for performing traditional and virtual computer lab work and independent work of students were issued. Also, lecture notes were given on various sections of physics, radio electronics, physics manuals for correspondence students, methodological instructions for performing practical exercises in all areas of physics, working curricula, and so on.

The modular-rating system for assessing students' knowledge has been introduced and successfully functioning at the department, the transition to a credit-module education system has been implemented.

For 24 years, (from 1991-2003 and 2007-2017), according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Kharkov National University of Municipal Economy named after A.N. Beketov was appointed as a basic higher educational institution for the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Physics. The Department of Physics of O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv successfully carried out all tasks related to these orders. Based on the results of the All-Ukrainian Physical Olympiad, five faculty lectures were given at the All-Ukrainian and international conferences on the methods of teaching physics. For many years the teachers of the department: senior lecturers Aksenova K.Yu. and Assoc. Prof. Oksyuk Yu. D., Sidorenko E.B., Bezugli A. V., Nazarenko E.I. - worked as members of the jury of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Physics. And since 2012, after the retirement of Assoc. Prof. Oksyuka Yu.D. and Sidorenko E.B. to this work was connected Assoc. Prof. Orel E.S.

The winners of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad are: Shcherbinin Oleg Olegovich - a student of the EOG faculty, (degree diploma, 2009), Karpikov Yaroslav Gennadievich, IEG student, (Diploma I degree, 2010), Yuri Kokhan, IEG student, (Diploma I degree, 2012), Pazhin Ilya Yuryevich, student of the EOG faculty, (diploma I degree, 2013), Alexander Buzhak, student of the town-planning faculty, (diploma I degree, in 2014), Kindinova Anastasia Konstantinovna , a student of the EOG faculty, (Diploma I degree, 2017).

Prizewinners of the All-Ukrainian student's Olympiad in discipline "Physics". there were such students: Terepenchuk Dmitry Igorevich, student of the IEG faculty, (Diploma of the II degree, in 2007), Dulina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, student of the IEG department, (diploma of the II degree, in 2008), Demidov Ruslan Sergeevich, student of the MB faculty, (2nd degree diploma, in 2008), as well as Shcherbak Evgeny Alexandrovich (1st year student of the Faculty of ET, diploma of III degree, 2011), Troika Alina Vitalievna, student of the Faculty of TST, (diploma of III degree, 2017), Cherkashin Alexandra Alexeevna, a student at the EOG faculty, (2nd degree diploma, in 2016), Alina Valerievna Oleynik, studio TKA F partments EOG, (II degree diploma in 2015), the success of our Olympians This was not accidental. Talented students were identified throughout the year, and its bones were formed at the first stages of the Student Olympiads.

All the teachers of the department take an active part in the implementation of the state budget research work on the topic "Investigations of the physical properties of solids." According to the results of scientific research in 2001-2014 yeaes teachers and post-graduate students of the department published a large number of scientific articles, received 3 patents, 9 candidate dissertations were defended. Scientific works of teachers published in such well-known professional scientific publications as: "Solid State Physics", "Acoustic Journal", "Low Temperature Physics", "Crystallography", "Phys. Statue Solіd", "Letters in ZhTF", "Ukrainian Journal of Physics", "Functional materials", "Questions of Atomic Science and Technology" and others.

The results of scientific research were reflected in the presentations of teachers at various scientific conferences and symposia. Teachers of the department took part in the following international conferences: "Modern Problems of Quantum Theory", "Physical Phenomena in Solids", "Structural Relaxation in Solids" and others. Unfortunately, in the last 5 years the curtailment of the academic load has increased again. Because of this, the chair has already left Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Yatsenko N.M., Sidorenko E.Б., Oksyuk Yu.D., as. Ph.D. Lyubchenko M.V. and post-graduate students Lotnik A.A., Kovalenko T.A. Refused from entering the graduate school are several promising graduates of the Physics Department of the V.N. Karazin KhNU and even those who did the course and diploma work at our department.

 Memories and hopes of prof. Petchenko A.M.

Entering the wonderful world of science, arranging in it and achieving certain creative successes would probably be impossible if my first teachers-world-famous physicists, Professors Pines Boris Yakovlevich and Startsev Valerian Ivanovich, as well as the outstanding physicists of Professor Kitaygorodsky A.I., Alshits V.I., Urusovskaya A.О., Indenbom V.L. It was thanks to a conversation with Pines B.Y., to which I asked to discuss my first scientific work written by a third-year student, I fell in love with science and felt a great desire for it. Despite this, I was the first in the Department of "Solid State Physics" KhNU them. Karazin was commissioned to develop a new scientific problem at that time, "High-temperature brittleness of metals," and later prof. V.I. Startsev drew me to the solution of the extremely urgent and complex fundamental problem "Dynamic braking of dislocations by phonons in crystals." Working inspirationally almost round the clock in the laboratory, I managed to conquer some scientific peaks, for which I received gratitude not only from my teachers, but also received worldwide recognition from the scientists of the world.
I believe that the general reduction of hours for the study of the fundamental discipline "Physics", is systematically taking place in general education schools and in higher educational institutions, a path to nowhere. This can lead to complete degradation of students, and then the teachers themselves. Already it is becoming problematic to attract graduates of physical faculties for teaching activities to the departments of technical universities, where physics as an object becomes not in demand.
I am sure that to correct the situation it would be expedient, when entering universities, to return to the old scheme, when the exams would be passed separately in physics and mathematics. Or take a comprehensive exam, with a physical and mathematical discipline, rather than separately in mathematics as it is done in the last ~ 20 years. It is known that the mathematical component can not replace the natural discipline - physics. Look, there are many hours spent at school in mathematics, it dominates at graduation and entrance exams, preparatory courses, in universities, and where is the result? It is clear that any attempts to prepare a modern engineer without obtaining fundamental physical knowledge (physical phenomena, laws, various processes and mechanisms that control them) are vain, senseless and short-sighted. Without knowing the physical essence, it is hardly possible to learn general engineering disciplines (Theoretical and Construction Mechanics, Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering, Fundamentals of Electronics, Physical Basics of Light Sources, etc.), as well as various training courses taught at special departments. The course to reduce the preparation of the fundamental discipline of physics is unlikely to contribute to improving the image of the university, its prestige and popularity.



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