Teaching and methodical work is one of the main activities of the teacher. The staff of the department actively develops and improves the laboratory base and methods of teaching.

The process of teaching physics consists of three main types of classes: lectures, laboratory works and practical exercises.

The main type of classes, of course, is a lecture course. At the lectures, students receive basic ideas about physical phenomena and the laws of physics. In the course of the presentation, all forms and methods of judgment, argumentation and proof are applied. Each theoretical position should be justified and proved, the given formulations and definitions should be clear, saturated with deep content. All evidence and explanations are aimed at achieving the stated goal, disclosing the main idea, content and scientific conclusions. In the lecture notes developed at the department, the laconic form outlines all the necessary volume of the material being studied, which fully corresponds to the work programs.

Practical classes, along with lectures, represent the most active form of training, in the implementation of which the students' physical thinking is formed, a constructive approach to physical phenomena and laws is revealed, the ability to correctly and clearly formulate a physical problem, the methods of solving it, and results are emerging. The task of teaching physics can be considered completely solved if the student is able to solve the physical problems of an appropriate degree of complexity independently. The ability to solve problems is, therefore, an important criterion for the effectiveness of training.

The goal of university education is to prepare the student for independent creative activity. From this point of view, practical exercises are an important type of educational process, since the solution of the problem, regardless of its complexity, is a small scientific study with all the necessary elements of scientific creativity.

A separate and very important element of the training of technical specialists is the opportunity in practice to check and use the knowledge gained in the learning process. This opportunity is given to students of our university when performing laboratory work. The process of implementation and delivery of laboratory works is constructed in such a way as to bring the student closer to the working conditions at the enterprise, both from the side of the order of interaction with employees, and in terms of performing scientific and technical tasks. The task setting, the search for information and material for its implementation, the report on the work done - the standard stages of work in the enterprise, and these stages are fully represented in the process of performing laboratory work. An important role in this process is the provision of students with quality teaching aids and explanations for the work, which the staff of the Department of Physics pay special attention to. Educational-methodical developments and materials are presented on the page of educational-methodical literature.

Over the past 5 years, the department has been developed and published 7 lecture notes and 18 methodological guides for performing laboratory, practical, independent and computer lab work. Educational-methodical developments and materials are presented on the page of educational-methodical literature.



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