In this condition in September in 2000 the Department of Physics was headed by a Dr. Sci., Professor A.M. Petchenko. Only 2 professors remained at the department at that time (Petchenko A.M., Rabukhin V.B.), 4 Assoc. Prof. (Sysoev A.S., Oksyuk Yu.D., Sidorenko E.B., Shchetkina T.Yu.) , 2 senior lecturers (Demyanenko L.I., Aksyonova E.Yu.), as well as three employees of training and support staff: the head of the laboratory V.A. Khvorost, senior laboratory assistant N.I. Novikova, laboratory assistant Yeskov D.N.

In the situation that has developed at the department, its head takes decisive measures to revive her former glory. The main efforts of the department were aimed at constant updating and deep modernization of the material and technical base, strengthening of the cadre's staff potential, as well as the development of educational and methodological literature and improvement of the educational process.

Using original engineering solutions and using the latest experimental technologies, the original equipment (about 30 units) in the laboratories "Mechanika", "Molecular physics", "Mechanics-1" was soon developed and put into operation. For the first time systematic restoration work was begun on a systematic basis in other laboratories of physical practice, in particular in the laboratories "Electricity and Magnetism" and "Optics."

Primordial becomes work with the staff, which is aimed at its rejuvenation and enhancement of professional skills. It should be noted that earlier (before 1970) the teachers of the department were mainly graduates of the Kharkov Pedagogical Institute, (school teachers), then in the following years, the department began to come physicists, graduates of V.N. Karazin KhNU, whose professional level allows solving the most complex modern scientific and methodical problems, in particular, to develop and introduce computer technologies into the educational process.

So, in 2001 a young assistant Nazarenko EI came to work at the department, who defended his thesis in 2003, and in 2007 received an associate diploma. In addition, the chair was joined by the Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Yatsenko N.M. (2002) and assistant Orel E.S. (in 2003). After them came to work at the department Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Bezugli A.V. (in 2004) and the assistant Lyubchenko M.V. (in 2006), who defended her thesis in 2008.

Офіційний сайт ХНУМГ імені О.М. Бекетова 

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