Since 1975 The Department of Physics began to develop rapidly in all directions. In the period 1980-1990 years at the department there were already 4 doctors and 9 Ph.D., 2 senior teachers and 8 units of training and support staff. All the brightest achievements of the department in educational, methodical, scientific research work are connected with this period of her life. At that time, textbooks, various methodical instructions were printed, intensive scientific research was conducted, postgraduate students were trained, candidate dissertations were defended, reports were made at scientific conferences, symposia, school seminars, scientific articles were published in prestigious domestic and foreign scientific physics journals.

In these years (since 1978) at the Department of Physics for the first time appeared a powerful research laboratory "Acoustic spectroscopy", created personally by Assoc. Prof. Petchenko A.M., whose contribution to the scientific achievements of the department is decisive. Soon with the participation of Assoc. Prof. Shchetkina T.Yu. was established in the Academy of the laboratory "Physical and chemical and structural studies of building materials and structures." In addition, the department also had separate scientific groups in which the Assoc. Prof. Mikhailov A.F., Terzhov I.I., Sysoev A.S., and later Prof. Rabukhin V.B. In addition to scientific work at the department, the inventive activity was also very noticeable, with Assoc. Prof. Mikhailov A.F., Shchetkina T.Yu. and Prof. Rabukhin V.B.

To my great regret, the progressive movement of the department towards the end of the 90 years began to slow down, and in the period from 1990 to 2000 it almost completely stopped. This happened at a time when the department was headed by Prof. Vinogradov S.S. He in the first 5 years of his management completely cared about his small enterprise, and in the next 5 years he was generally abroad, where he subsequently received permanent residence. It was in these years (1990-2000) at the department that significant personnel cuts took place, the material base of the department began to decline, its scientific and cadre potential significantly decreased.

Sharply at the University has changed in those days the attitude to the most educational discipline "Physics", the number of lecture hours in physics has significantly decreased. Henceforth, the basic philosophical discipline "Physics", which is designed to form a logical, model, analytical thinking, is not present either at the final examinations or at the educational institutions when passing the entrance examinations. In a small volume, she is taught at the university, even at the energy faculties.

Офіційний сайт ХНУМГ імені О.М. Бекетова 

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