Decmber 26, 2022

Scientists of the Department of Physics took an active part in the international competition of innovative startup projects Sikorski Challenge 2022. The project they developed "SIC SENSORS OF GREENHOUSE GAS FOR DECARBONIZATION OF THE ECONOMY" reached the final stage of the competition and received a high evaluation of the competition. In addition, the competition's international sponsors from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology awarded our project with an incentive prize of US$5,000. According to the general decision of the team, the Starlink system will be purchased with these funds to ensure reliable Internet at the university. This is the contribution of the physics department to the information development of the university in 2022.

3708619 7002


November 29, 2022

Did you know that the first body armor was created by a native of Lviv region?! Inventor and chemist Yan Shchepanyk, who was born on June 13, 1872 in the village of Rudnyki, now a suburb of Mostysk.
After finishing elementary school and gymnasium, he entered the pedagogical institute in Krakow.
Until 1896, he worked as a teacher in several Polish towns, simultaneously engaged in invention.
The first success in this field came to Szchepanik in 1897, when he patented a teletroscope in the patent office of Great Britain.
"A camera for reproducing images at a distance by means of electricity", as described by its inventor, was a certain prototype of the modern television.
In 1900, at the World Exhibition in Paris, the inventor presented an improved device for image transmission - a telephoto.
Since 1918, Shchepanyk has been fascinated by color film systems, which were highly appreciated for the realism of color transmission. At the same time, he developed dubbing projects for films.
The inventor's horizons were very broad.
Workshops and laboratories of Szczepanyk, in addition to Poland, worked in Vienna, Berlin and Dresden.
However, the inventor probably gained the greatest fame by inventing the prototype of a modern bulletproof vest. Shchepanyk's "armor" was created from silk fabric with interwoven thin steel sheets.
The protective device of this model saved the life of King Alfonso XII of Spain from an assassination attempt.
For this, the monarch honored the inventor with the title of Knight of the Order of Isabella the Catholic.
Russian tsar Nicholas II also presented Shchepanik to the Order of St. Anna for the finalization of the imperial ceremonial armor, but the inventor, as a subject of Austria-Hungary, refused the award of the enemy state for patriotic reasons, accepting only a gold watch with diamonds as a gift.
In general, Shchepanyk is the author of hundreds of patents and more than 50 inventions, some of which - in the field of filmmaking, television and photography - are still used today.
According to modern researchers, many of Szczepanek's works have been copied and used under other names to this day.
Jan Shchepanyk died of liver cancer on April 18, 1926 in Tarnów, Poland.
He is buried there.
Contemporaries called Szczepanek "Polish Edison" and "Galician genius" for the versatility and fruitfulness of his work.
Descriptions of Shchepanyk's inventions, in addition to professional literature, can also be found in the books of Mark Twain, with whom the inventor often communicated.

202211291948 Shepanyk



November 11, 2022

Despite the war, Ukrainian science continues to develop. In January 2022, the Noosphere icebreaker set off on its first expedition to Antarctica under the Ukrainian flag. The icebreaker delivered 140 tons of fuel and more than 80 tons of cargo, as well as a new team to the Akademik Vernadskyi station.
On the way back, "Noosphere" also took on board the participants of the Polish Antarctic expedition. The director of the National Center for International Development, Evgeny Dyky, said that Polish colleagues "sent a Russian ship in a known direction." As it turned out, at first the Poles chartered a Russian ship, but after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, they refused the services of the invaders. Already in April, the Ukrainian ship reached the territory of Chile.
For the first expeditions to the coast of Antarctica, the ice-class vessels "Horizon" and "Ernst Krenkel" were used. Unfortunately, due to the poor technical condition of the ships and lack of funding, the expedition was not carried out for a long time. And so, in 2021, the Ukrainian Antarctic Center was finally able to purchase the British ship "James Clark Ross" for $5 million. It became the "Noosphere". And the flag flying over the ship "Horizon" is now on display at the "Flags of Independence" Exhibition. It has the signature of the captain himself.
Source: National Museum of the History of Ukraine.

202211112135 Antarktida


October 27, 2022

Physicists have created for the first time a Bose-Einstein condensate - a mysterious fifth state of matter - made of quasiparticles, entities that are not particles but can have particle characteristics such as charge and spin.
This discovery will have a significant impact on the development of quantum technologies, including quantum computing.

202210272142 researchers create fir 1


October 25, 2022

The principle, according to which one should not invent fantastic theories to explain phenomena that completely fit into traditional ideas, is called Occam's edge in honor of the medieval scholastic William of Occam.
This principle, which is also called the principle of simplicity, was known even in the time of Aristotle.
According to this principle, out of many possible explanations of any phenomenon, the simplest one should be chosen. Or as Albert Einstein would later say: "Everything should be simplified as far as possible, but no more."

202210252324 blade


October 21, 2022

Today, parallel universes are an interesting idea to consider. As the physicist Vilenkin said: "If your favorite football team lost, don't be upset! In one of the worlds, she won. And there is another, where she always wins!".
But as for the unequivocal evidence of their existence and their theoretical feasibility, nothing conclusively indicates that they have any chance of being "real" at all

202210212316 Universes


October 19, 2022

Once considered science fiction, technology capable of collecting solar power in space and beaming it to Earth to provide a global supply of clean and affordable energy is moving closer to reality. Through the Space-based Solar Power Project (SSPP), a team of Caltech researchers is working to deploy a constellation of modular spacecraft that collect sunlight, transform it into electricity, then wirelessly transmit that electricity wherever it is needed—including to places that currently have no access to reliable power.

202210192045 beaming clean energy f


October 18, 2022

The strange part of quantum entanglement is that when you measure something about one particle in an entangled pair, you immediately know something about the other particle, even if they are millions of light years apart.
In the simplest terms, quantum entanglement means that aspects of one particle of an entangled pair depend on aspects of the other particle, no matter how far apart they are or what lies between them. These particles could be, for example, electrons or photons, and an aspect could be the state it is in, such as whether it is "spinning" in one direction or another.


October 14, 2022

The Big Bang model is the most widespread and popular theory of the development of the universe. Its fundamental feature is the creation of the universe from a state of superhigh temperature and density that happened 13.8 billion years ago.
Five alternative theories to the Big Bang:
The Steady State postulates continuous creation of matter all over the universe to explain its discernible expansion. This sort of universe would be infinite, without a beginning or an end. The abundance of evidence and data collected since the mid-1960s successfully disproves this theory.
The Big Bounce theory agrees with the accelerated expansion of the universe. However, the Big Bounce states that the universe has been subjected to a state of expansion and compression, one after another recurrently, bouncing each time it contracts to a certain volume. Some suggest that the universe only bounced once. The theory is disproved.
Eternal Inflation theory, the universe expanded rapidly during a short period called inflation. The Eternal Inflation theory, on the other hand, presupposes that inflation never stopped, but continued to happen for an infinite timespan. Out there, somewhere, even today, new universes are being created in an immense complex called the Multiverse.
A Cyclic model is any of several cosmological models in which the universe follows infinite, or indefinite, self-sustaining cycles. The oscillating universe theory briefly considered by Albert Einstein in 1930 theorized a universe following an eternal series of oscillations. Each beginning with a Big Bang and ending with a Big Crunch.
The Black Hole theory says that our universe came from a black hole of another universe. In an alternate version of the theory, the observable universe is the inside of a black hole subsiding as one of potentially many within a larger parent universe, or multiverse.
Image credit: PressReader

202210142104 TBB


October 12, 2022

Physicists from the University of California, Santa Barbara, the University of Maryland, and the University of Washington solved a problem that falls under the category of "many-body" physics, which investigates the physical properties of a quantum system with several interacting parts. Although many-body problems have been the subject of research and debate for decades, the complexity of these systems with quantum behaviors such as superposition and entanglement leads to a multitude of possibilities, making them impossible to solve computationally alone. Many aspects of the problem are inaccessible even to modern computers.
Consider an ordinary pendulum: “If you push it from time to time, then a classical pendulum will constantly absorb energy.
Chaos looks different in quantum systems. Instead of motion, disorder can lead to a kind of particle arrest. And unlike a classical pendulum, a quantum pendulum or "rotor" can initially absorb energy from shocks, but after repeated shocks the system stops absorbing energy and the momentum distribution freezes, in what is called a dynamically localized state.
In the experiments, a violation of the reversibility of time was observed, which is a characteristic feature of quantum chaos.


October 4, 2022

Nobel Prize-2022: the names of the laureates in the field of physics have been announced.
Today, October 4, the laureates of the Nobel Prize in Physics were announced.
They were scientists Alain Aspe, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger.
This was reported by the press service of the Nobel Prize.
The commission recognized the work of scientists "for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell's inequalities and innovation in quantum information science" with the highest scientific award.
In particular, Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger conducted groundbreaking experiments using entangled quantum states, where two particles behave as a single entity even though they are separated. This will make it possible to create new technologies based on quantum information.

202210041447 Nobel

Photo: Twitter of the press service of the Nobel Prize


October 3, 2022

Ivan Pulyuy, a native of Ternopil region.
(February 2, 1845 - January 31, 1918)
He belonged to the cohort of world-famous scientists who shaped the world of the 20th century. The famous physicist and electrical engineer stood at the origins of one of the most remarkable achievements of mankind.
For 20 years, Pouliy studied the so-called X-rays, now known as X-rays. Pului constructed his first tube 14 years earlier than Röntgen. It was Puluy who explained the nature of X-rays. He also has the first photograph of a complete human skeleton.
Ivan Puluy built the first power station in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, improved the telephone, was the first to research neon light, and established the industrial production of fluorescent lamps of his own design.
He was the first dean of the first electrical engineering faculty in Europe, an adviser to the imperial court. He received an offer to become the Minister of Education of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but refused, wanting to be a Ukrainian public figure and patriot.
In addition, Pulyu knew 15 languages. Translated the Bible into Ukrainian.
"There is no greater honor for an intelligent man than to protect his own and national honor and without reward to work faithfully for the good of his people to ensure a better fate for them" (Ivan Pului)

202210031131 Ivan Puluy


September 29, 2022

The main sign of a nuclear explosion is a super-powerful flash of blinding light, it is visible even on the brightest sunny day. This is the first element of the impressive mechanism of a nuclear explosion - radiation that lasts a few seconds, but it is so intense that, despite its short duration of action, it can cause burns to exposed parts of the body from the side of the explosion, and temporary blindness if you look in the direction of the explosion with unprotected eyes.
After a bright flash, you have 10 minutes to find a bomb shelter or basement, or take cover in a building, and avoid being hit by radioactive fallout. Close and lock all windows and doors, and turn off fans, air conditioners, and forced-air heaters. Remove the top layer of clothing before entering the building. Once inside, wash the parts of your body that were exposed when you were outside. Then put on clean clothes. Cover your mouth and nose with a mask, cloth or towel if you must be outside and cannot immediately get indoors. Put on clean clothes that were in the closet away from radioactive materials. Consume only food from sealed containers and drink only bottled water that has been sealed
Remember: the fact that no bomb shelter can save from a nuclear explosion is a myth. In 1945, in Hiroshima, the Japanese Eizo Nomura, who happened to be in an ordinary basement of an ordinary house, survived 170 meters from the epicenter of a nuclear attack. He died 37 years later, at the age of 84, of natural causes.

202209291458 Boom


September 28, 2022

NASA's DART spacecraft successfully slammed into a distant asteroid at hypersonic speeds on Monday in a test of the world's first planetary defense system designed to prevent potential meteorite collisions with Earth.

202209281305 NASA


September 27, 2022

⚡️NASAMS🔥is already in UKRAINE!
◾️The NASAMS anti-aircraft missile complex is the development of two world giants of the defense industry: the Norwegian technology group Kongsberg and the American company Raytheon. Its main purpose is to shoot down short- and medium-range targets - planes, helicopters, drones and missiles - within a radius of 25-40 km, depending on modernization.
◾️The name NASAMS stands for Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System. The development of the complex began in the 1990s, the first generation of NASAMS was put into operation in 1998, after which there were two more "upgrades". The latest modernization is the NASAMS III air defense system - in 2019.
◾️The basis of NASAMS is the AIM-120 AMRAAM guided missile of the air-to-air class for fighters of almost all NATO member countries, in particular the F-16 (that is, the missiles were originally intended for air combat, - Ed.), which was modified for launches from the ground.
◾️In its basic "ground" version, this missile is capable of shooting down air targets at a distance of up to 25 km, and the stated radius of action for its modernization with an increased range AMRAAM ER (Extended Range) is 40 km. It is also worth noting that the AIM-120 missile itself has a perfect radar homing head with a high level of countermeasures against EW means.
◾️The rocket can perform maneuvers with high overloads and accelerates to Mach 4.
◾️The declared probability of hitting the target is 85%, which is considered high accuracy.
◾️The NASAMS battery consists of one or more mobile launchers with six missiles each, a Raytheon AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel active 3D radar, several auxiliary sensors, and a fire control command post. Launchers and radar can be at a distance of up to 20 km from the control point, which increases its security during enemy airstrikes or artillery fire.
"NASAMS is a highly mobile system by nature, designed with a focus on operational flexibility to protect air bases, seaports, densely populated areas and other critical facilities, as well as the military," says the Norwegian technology group Kongsberg's website.
It also reports that the missile systems are capable of simultaneously hitting 72 targets, and that they "have covered Washington and DC since 2005 around the clock." In particular, according to the American media, several NASAMS SAMs guarded the second inauguration ceremony of President George W. Bush (January 20, 2005) and remained to cover the White House.

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(Information from open sources)


September 25, 2022

Neptune in a new light! 🔵🔵
Hubble’s view of this planet looks pretty different from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope's new image, on the right.
That’s because these two telescopes looked at the planet in different wavelengths of light. This 2021 Hubble image of Neptune was taken in visible light – what our human eyes can see – and reveals a dark storm seen near the top left. The planet looks blue because of small amounts of gaseous methane. Find out more:
Webb’s infrared view of Neptune shows the planet’s rings, along with the planet’s fainter dust bands:
Together, Hubble and Webb help us learn more about our cosmic neighborhood!
Hubble image credits: NASA, ESA, A. Simon (NASA-GSFC), and M. H. Wong (UC Berkeley); Image Processing: A. Pagan (STScI)
Webb image credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI
#NASA #Hubble #NASAWebb #Neptune #planet #space #science #astronomy #cosmos #universe

HubbleWebb 202209252213


September 24, 2022

As aptly noted by the staff of the museum complex named after O.M. Beketova: Ukrainians write the history of the future every day. It is all the more interesting to recall outstanding figures of the national past, in particular in the field of physics. Mykola Pilchykov, an outstanding Ukrainian scientist, was called the Ukrainian Tesla, after whom a street in the Osnov'yansky district of Kharkov is named.
A valid member of the scientific societies of France, Austria, Belgium, Germany, the USA, Great Britain, Pilchikov was the first in the world to implement radio control of objects and electrical recording of sound, was the author of more than 25 original devices: phonograph, hydrometer, thermostat, seismograph, etc.
He was also a polyglot, musician and artist, wrote and published poems in Ukrainian in the magazine «Skladka» under the pseudonym «M.P.», because in 1905 the Ukrainian printed language was banned by the russian empire in Ukraine.


(Mykola Pilchykov, 1857-1908)


September 23, 2022

Under the leadership of prof. O. V. Semenov by employees of the Department of Physics, together with leading scientists of O.M. Beketov NUUEKh, the development of "SiC sensors of greenhouse gases for decarbonization" was carried out, which entered the final consideration of the All-Ukrainian competition for innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge 2022".


January 2022

A fruitful meeting was held with leading staff of the Bogolyubov Institute for Theroetical Physics (Kyiv). Agreements have been reached on cooperation in science and education.



A meeting of the Department of Physics was held, which, among other issues on the agenda, considered the recommendation of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Associate Professor Dulfan H. Ya.

In addition to the staff of the Department of Physics, the meeting was attended by Deputy. Director of NIIEITI for educational and methodical work Piddubna LV The participants praised the professional and human qualities of Assoc. Dulfan H. Ya. and unanimously recommended her for the position of Head of the Department of Physics.



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