Currently at the Department of Physics there are 6 teachers. The department is headed by the Associate Professor H. Y. Dulfan
Dulfan Hanna Yakivna - Associate Professor
Scientific works are devoted to the problems of self-organization of hierarchical physical and chemical systems. Author of low scientific articles and monographs, popular science books. Has a state award - the medal "For work and victory".
More details....
Profiles in science-based databases:
Petchenko Alexander Matveyevich - Dr.Sci., Professor, Honored Professor of the O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv. In 1967 he graduated from the Physics Faculty of the V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University specializing in physics. Graduation work was carried out at the Department of Solid State Physics under the supervision of the head of the department of the famous scientist, Dr.Sci., prof. B.Ya. Pines. At the end of the university, for three years he worked as a research fellow at the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the laboratory of the world-famous crystal physicist A.I. Kitaigorodsky. In November 1970, he returned to the V.N. Karazin KhNU, as a graduate student in his native department. There in January in 1976 he successfully defended his thesis under the guidance of an outstanding scientist, Dr.Sci., prof. V.I. Startsev. In the O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv began working on September 1, 1976, first as assistant and senior lecturer of the department (1976-1980), then as associate professor (1980-1993) and professor (since 1993). Since September 2000 he was appointed to the post of head of the department of physics, where he still works. For many years he fruitfully cooperated with outstanding world-class physicists Urusovskaya A.A., Indenbom V.L., Alshits V.I. (Moscow, Institute of Crystallography RAS), Tyapunina N.A. (Moscow, M.Lomonosov Moscow State University), scientists: Ioffe Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ILTPE of NASU, NSC KIPT of Ukraine, Don. FTI of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, etc. Professionally engaged in scientific activities of academic level over 45 years. In January 1992 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation. He is a world-class scientific expert in the field of solid state physics and physical acoustics. He has outstanding scientific achievements in the field of fundamental research on the quantum mechanisms of phonon-dislocation interactions; dispersion of the velocity of elastic waves in the UHF range; resonance and relaxation dislocation phenomena; dynamic braking of dislocations by elementary excitations of the crystal, in particular phonons; processes of fault formation in crystals, thermoactivation phenomena, radiation defects, acoustic relaxation, etc. He is the developer of a whole complex of high-precision measurement technology and the latest physical experimental technologies for comprehensive acoustic spectroscopy of crystals with the aim of analyzing the overbarrier and thermoactivation movement of dislocations, as well as mechanisms controlling processes hardening in crystals in a macroscopically elastic deformation region. His works were reported at various scientific schools, conferences, symposiums, crystallographic congresses, and published in many highly-rated physics journals, in particular:
- Петченко А.М., Старцев В.И. Температурная зависимость коэффициента торможения дислокаций в КСl при температурах 77-300 К.//Акуст. журнал, 1975.
- Urusovskaja A.A., Petchenko A.M.Kink-Band Formation in Csj Crystals. In Coll.Abstracts 12 Europen Crustallographic Meeting. Moscow, 1989.
- Петченко А.М. Дисперсия скорости продольных ультразвуковых волн в NaСl. //ФТТ,1990.
- Petchenko A.M. The Influence of Strain Rate on Stress Relaxation //Phys. Stat. Sol, 1991.
- Петченко А.М. Взаимодействие дислокаций с фононами в кристаллах LIF // Кристаллография, 1992.
- Петченко А.М. Исследование релаксационных процессов в кристаллах иодистого цезия в условиях сбросообразования //Известия Росийской Академии наук. Серия физическая, 1993.
- Petchenko A.M. Disloсation damping with phonons in KCl krystals //Functional Materials, 2000.
- Petchenko A.M., Petchenko G.A.Features of а resonance absorption of longitudial ultrasound in strained crystals KBr at temperature variations. // Functional Materials, 2007.
- Petchenko A.M., Petchenko G.A. Effect of crystal pre-straining on phonon damping of dislocations. // Functional Materials, 2008.
- Petchenko G.A., Petchenko A.M. The dislocation resonance absorption of ultrasound in KBr crystals at low temperatures. // Functional Materials, 2009.
- Petchenko О.M., Petchenko G.A. Рhonon drag of dislocations in KCl Crystals with various dislocation structure states. Ukr. J. Phys. 2010.
- Петченко Г.А. Изучение динамических и структурных характеристик в облученных кристаллах LiF. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия "Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение", Выпуск 101, 2013.
For outstanding scientific achievements, he received a Certificate of Recognition from The Marquis Who's Who Publications Board, and his biography as an outstanding scientist is placed in the most prestigious international catalogs:
- "Who's Who in the World", New Providence. U.S.A., 14 Edition, 1997, P.1132.
- "2000 Outstanding People of the 20 th Century", Cambridge, England, 1998, P.190.
- "Who's Who in the World", New Providence. U.S.A., 16 Edition, 1999, P.1260.
- "Scientists of Ukraine - the elite of the state" (Kyiv, Ukraine, 2014).
In 2005 was awarded the Diploma of the winner of the regional competition "Higher School of the Kharkiv Region - the best names" in the nomination "Teacher of fundamental disciplines".
In 2016 he received the honorary title Honored Professor of O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv.
Over the period of work in the O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, he published over 200 scientific and methodological works.
Profiles in science-based databases:
Semenov Alexander Vladimirovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.02.01 - Materials Science, Senior Researcher. In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Technology at the Kharkov State University. A.M. Gorky.
After serving in the Soviet Army Semenov A in 1976-2016 worked at the Institute for Single Crystals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in positions from engineer to leading researcher. 2017 to 2021 worked at NTU "KhPI", head of the department of physics and professor. Since 2021 to present time. works at KNUMG as a professor of the Department of Physics.
Scientific interests:
Physics of thin films, processes of direct ionic deposition of films, ion-plasma technologies for the deposition of diamond-like carbon films, nanocrystalline silicon carbide, structure and properties of films of nanocrystalline silicon carbide, development of devices based on films of nanocrystalline silicon carbide.
He is the developer of an original technology for producing nanocrystalline silicon carbide films by direct deposition of carbon and silicon ions with increased energy.
Author and co-author of over 199 scientific publications and 28 inventions and patents. More than once he was the coordinator and responsible executor in a number of international and state scientific projects.
Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology (2012).
His work has been published in many scientific journals. In particular:
- A.V. Semenov, O.G. Tovmachenko, V.M. Puzikov, Low temperature deposition and optical properties of RE doped nanocrystalline SiC films // J. Wide Bandgap Mater. – 2002. – V.9, N3. – P. 139 - 147.
- А.В. Семенов, А.В. Лопин, В.М. Пузиков, Низкотемпературное получение и оптические свойства пленок карбида кремния / А.В. Семенов, // Поверх. pентген. синхротрон. и нейтронные исслед. – 2004. – №9. – С. 99 - 106.
- А.V. Semenov, А.V. Lopin, V.M. Puzikov, Sh. Muto, Ion-plasma deposition and optical properties of SiC films / // Functional materials. – 2005. – V.12. – P. 216-233.
- А.В. Семенов, А.В. Лопин, В.М. Пузиков, Низкотемпературное получение и оптические свойства нанокристаллических пленок карбида кремния: Мат. Харьк. науч. ассамб. «Алмазные пленки и пленки родственных материалов», 2003. / // – Харьков, 2003. – С. 72 - 77.
- А.V. Semenov, V.M. Puzikov, M.V. Dobrotvorskaya, Nanocrystalliine SiC films prepared by direct deposition of carbon and silicon ions // Thin Solid Films. – 2008. – 516. – Р. 2899.
- А.В. Семенов, В.М. Пузиков, Е.П. Голубова, Низкотемпературное получение пленок карбида кремния различных политипов / ФТП. – 2009. – V.43, N.5. – Р. 714 - 718.
- А.В. Семенов, С.Н. Скорик, А.В. Лопин и др., Особенности осаждения пленок SiC из пучков ионов на подложку с градиентным нагревом / // Поверх. pентген. синхротрон. и нейтронные исслед. – 2010. – №2. – С. 1 - 7.
- А.В. Семенов, А.В. Лопин, В.М. Пузиков и др., Получение гетероструктур на основе нанокристаллических слоев политипов карбида кремния / // ФТП. – 2010. – Т.44, В.6. – С. 845 - 852.
- А.В. Семенов, В.М. Пузиков, Лабораторная установка для получения пленок карбида кремния методом прямого ионного осаждения / // ПТЭ. – 2010. – №5. – С. 1 - 5.
- A.A. Evtukh, N.I. Klyui, Yu. M. Litvin, A.V. Semenov et al, Field emission properties of doped DLC and SiC films /. // Phys. Low-Dim. Struct. – 2002. – V.3/4. – Р. 87 - 98.
- A.A. Evtukh, N.I. Klyui, Yu. M. Litvin, A.V. Semenov, Peculiarities of field emission from silicon carbide films / Applied Surface Science. – 2003. – 215. – Р. 237 - 241.
- А.В. Лопин, А.В. Семенов, В.М. Пузиков, Оптический датчик температуры на основе нанокристаллической пленки SiC / // Техн. конструир. электрон. аппаратуре. – 2007. – №4. – Р. 22.
- А.А. Борщ, М.С. Бродин, В.И. Волков, А.И. Семенов и др, Нелинейная рефракция в нанокристаллических пленках карбида кремния /. // Письма в ЖЭТФ. – 2008. – Т.88, В.6. – С. 442 - 444.
- А.В. Семенов, А.В. Лопин, В.М. Пузиков, В.Н. Борискин, Влияние облучения на свойства нанокристаллических пленок карбида кремния/ // ФТП. – 2009. – V.43, N.10. – Р. 1362 - 1367.
- A.V. Semenov, V.M. Puzikov, Temperature behavior of the substrate surface during growth of nanocrystalline silicon carbide films by deposition of 120 eV carbon and silicon ions/ // Vаcuum. – 2011. – V.85, Iss.6. – P. 672 - 676.
- A.V. Lopin, A.V. Semenov, V.M. Puzikov, A.G. Trushkovsky, Optical properties of silicon carbide obtained by direct ion deposition / // Funct. Mater. – 2006. – V.13, N.4. – Р. 633 - 636.
- М.С.Бродин, В.И.Волков, В.Р.Ляховецкий, В.И.Руденко, А.В. Семенов, В.М.Пузиков, Нелинейно-оптические и структурные свойства нанокристаллических пленок карбида кремния, ЖЕТФ, Т141, В.2, сс. 235-242, 2012.
- A.V. Semenov, A.V. Lopin, V.M. Puzikov, O.M. Vovk, I.N. Dmitruk, V. Romano, Effect of high-temperature annealing on the optical and photoluminescence properties of nanocrystalline SiC films, Thin Solid Films, 520, 21 (2012) 6626-6630.
- A.V. Semenov, V.M. Puzikov, P.V. Mateichenko, V. Romano, Change of Electrophysical Properties of Nanocrystalline SiC Films by Laser Treatment at Applied Electric Field, ISRN Nanomaterials, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 810394, 6 pages.
- A.A. Borshch, V.N. Starkov, V.I. Volkov, V.I. Rudenko, A.Yu. Boyarchuk, А.V. Semenov, Optical limiting effects in nanostructured silicon carbide thin films, Quantum Electronics 43 (12) 1122 – 1126 (2013)
- А.В. Семенов, А.В. Лопин, В.М. Пузиков, П.В. Матейченко, Рассеяние света в плёнках нанокристаллического карбида кремния (nc-SiC), Поверхность. рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования, 2014, № 2, с. 58–64.
- V. Mirgorodskiy, L. A. Golovan, V. Yu. Timoshenko, A. V. Semenov, and V. M. Puzikov, Luminescence Properties of Thin Nanocrystalline Silicon_Carbide Films Fabricated by Direct_Beam Ion Deposition// Semiconductors, 2014, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 711–714.
- В.М. Пузиков, А.В. Лопин, А.В. Семенов, А.А. Козловский, Н.С. Болтовец, В.А. Кривуца, В.Ф. Митин, В.В. Холевчук, Защитные покрытия ВЧ p-i-n диодов и терморезистивные сенсоры температуры на основе пленок нанокристаллического SiC, (глава в монографии) Наноразмерные системы и наноматериалы: исследования в Украине, под. Ред.. А.Г. Наумовец, Академпериодика, Киев, 2014, с.186-195.
- Патент на корисну модель, Датчик температури, Беляєв О.Є., Болтовець М.С., Веремійченко Г. м., Конакова Р.В., Кривуца В.А., Мітін В.Ф., Пузіков В.М., Семенов О.В.,Холевчук В.В., Шеремет В.М., Україна, № 93207, 25.09. 2014.
- A.V.Semenov, V.O.Pashchenko, V.F. Khirnyi, А.А. Kozlovskyi, P.V.Mateichenko, Magnetism in nanocrystalline SiC films, Physica E, 74 (2015) 220–225.
- A.Semenov, V.Puzikov, S.Skorik, A.Wojciechozxwski, A.O.Fedorchuk, A.Macią, Role of polytypism and degree of hexagonality on the photoinduced optical second harmonic generation in SiC nanocrystalline films, Physica E,69 (2015) 378–383.
- L. A. Golovan, A. A. Sokolov, V. Yu. Timoshenko, A. V. Semenov,·A. Pastushenko, T. Nychyporuk, V. Lysenko, Increase in the lifetime of a photon and in the efficiency of raman scattering and second-harmonic generation processes in porous silicon carbide, JETP LETTERS 101(12):793-797 (2015).
- А.V. Semenov, А.V. Lopin, Exciton-polariton state in nanocrystalline SiC films, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, V. 79, 2016, P. 133–138.
- A.A. Borshch, M.S. Brodyn, V.N. Starkov, V.I. Rudenko, V.I. Volkov, A.Yu. Boyarchuk, A.V. Semenov, Broadband optical limiting in thin nanostructured silicon carbide films and its nature, Optics Communications, 364 (2016) 88–92.
- S. Boriskina , J. Tong, Y. Tsurimaki, V. Boriskin, A. Semenov, M. Ayzatskiy, A. Semenov,Y. Machekhin, G. Chen Ultra-Sensitive Singular-Phase Optical Detection with Topologically Protected Tamm Plasmon Resonances MRS Fall Symposium, Nov-Dec 2016, Boston, MA, paper# EM7.4.09
- Boriskina S. V.; Tong J.; Tsurimaki Y.; Boriskin V. N.; Ayzatskiy M. I.; Semenov A.V., Machekhin Y. P.; Chen G. Topological Darkness of Tamm Plasmons for High-Sensitivity Singular-Phase Optical Detection, 2016, Frontiers in Optics, Paper# FW2E.23
- Semenov, A., Lopin, A., Skorik S., Optical Properties of a Microcavity Based on a Nanocrystalline SiC Film Appl. Phys. A (2018) 124: 195.
- Y. Tsurimaki, J. K. Tong, V. N. Boriskin, A. Semenov, M. I. Ayzatsky, Y. P. Мachekhin, A.V. Semenov,G. Chen, S. V. Boriskina Topological engineering of interfacial optical Tamm states for highlysensitive near-singular-phase optical detection ACS Photonics, · January 2018, 1-31.
- 16. A.V. Semenov, A.A. Kozlovskyi, S.N. Skorik, D.V. Lubov, Gas Sensing Properties of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide Films, sent to Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (2019.
- 17. A.V. Semenov, D.V. Lubov, M.V. Makhonin, Ozone Sensitive Properties of Thin Films of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide, JOURNAL OF NANO- AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS, Vol. 12 No 5, 05016(4pp) (2020)
- A.V. Semenov, D.V. Lubov, A.A. Kozlovskyi , The Chemresistive Properties of SiC Nanocrystalline Films With Different Conductivity Type, Hindawi Journal of Sensors, Volume 2020, Article ID 7587314, 6 pages,
- A. Semenov, D. Lubov, M. Makhonin, V. Boriskin, Influence of electron irradiation on the gas sensitive properties of nanocrystalline silicon carbide, Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, V13, N5, p.04001, 2021
- 1. A. V. Sinelnik , A. V. Semenov Theoretical study of the band structure of 2H-SiC and 4H-SiC of silicon carbide polytypes, Condensed Matter Physics, 2021, Vol. 24, No. 2, 23706: 1–6
Bezugly Anatoly Vasilyevich - Ph.D., Associate Professor. In 1964. He graduated from the O.M. Gorkiy KSU specializing in radiophysics and electronics. Works in the O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv since September 2004 in the post of associate professor of the Department of Physics. Pedagogical activity - experience of 48 years of teaching physics and radio electronics. Only for the period from 2015 to 2017. has - 8 scientific, 1 scientific-methodical and 5 - educational and methodical works.
Scientific interests are the diffraction of electromagnetic waves.
Scientific contacts - V.N. Karazin KhNU.
Main publications:
- Безуглий А.В. Дифракция Е- поляризованной электромагнитной волны на решетке кольцевых цилиндров // Радиотехника. Межв. респ. сб. 1970. Вип.13.
- Безуглий А.В. Дифракция Н- поляризованной электромагнитной волны на решетке кольцевых цилиндров // Радиотехника. Межв. респ. сб. 1970г. Вип.13.
- Безуглий А.В. Дифракция плоской электромагнитной волны на решетках из круговых ци-линдров со спиральной щелью // Известия вузов. Радиоэлектроника. 1970. Т.XV, № 12.
- Безуглий а.В. Дифракция плоской электромагнитной волны на решетках с периодическими щелями. // Известия вузов. Радиоэлектроника. 1973. Т.XVI, №5.
- Bezugliy A.V. On the scattering of electromagnetic waves by the infimt grating of the thin dielectric strips// The Fourth international Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves". Kharkov. Ukraine. 2001. June 4-9.
Profiles in science-based databases:
Nazarenko Evgeniy Ivanovich - Ph.D., Associate Professor. In 1998 he graduated from V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University specializing in physics. Works in the O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv since 2001 first in the position of engineer, then assistant and assistant professor of physics. He defended his thesis in 2003 and received an associate professor's diploma in 2007. Teaching activities - 14 years of teaching physics.
Scientific interests are nonlinear phenomena in solid state physics, solitons.
Scientific contacts - B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU, NSC KIPT.
Main publications:
- Нацик В.Д., Назаренко Е.И. Динамика краудиона в трехмерном неоднородно деформиро-ванном кристалле»//ФНТ.2000. Т.26,№3. С.283-293.
- Нацик В.Д., Смирнов С.Н., Назаренко Е.И. Дробные и расщепленные краудионы в слож-ных кристаллических структурах »//ФНТ.2001.Т.27 №3. С.316-332.
- Нацик в.Д., Смирнов С.Н., Назаренко Е.И. Краудионы в атомарных криокристаллах и ме-таллах с ТЦК и ДЦК решетками»//ФНТ. 2001. Т.27,№11. С.1295-1307.
- Natsik V. D., NAZARENKO Е.I. Crowdion dynamics in а non-uniformly deformed three-dimensional cristal Abstracts of International Coference on Geometry, Integrability and Nonlinearity in Condensed Matter and Soft Condensed Matter Physics. – Bansko (Bulgaria). – 2001. – P. 26.
- Natsik V. D., NAZARENKO Е. I. Crowdion dynamics in а non-uniformly deformed three-dimensional cristal European Phys. J. B– 2002 – V. 29 – P. 285-289.
- Natsik V. D., Nazarenko Е. I. The equation of motion of a crowdion in the three-dimensional cristal Abstracts book of international coference "Crystal Materials"2005". – Kharkiv. – 2005. - P. 223.
Profiles in science-based databases:
Shyshko Nataliia Serhiivna - аssistant Professor. In 2011 she graduated from V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University specializing in physics. Works in the O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv since 2023. Teaching activities - 7 years of teaching physics.
Scientific interest is condensed matter physics.
Main publications:
- Шишко Н.С., Корх О.І., Сопов В.П. Застосування методу щільної упаковки компонентів при проектуванні складу бетону// Будівельні матеріали і вироби, 21-25
- Sopov V P, Shyshko N S, Kondrashchenko V I, Zhang Yihe Ecological efficiency photocatalytic concrete// IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 907 (1), 012052.
- Emeljanova I A, Blazhko V V, Dansheva S O, Shyshko N S Simulation model for the collision of the individual components of dry mixes with the inner surface housing during their preparation in high-speed twin-rotor turbulent mixer// IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 708 (1), 012004.
Profiles in science-based databases: